Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Flying Fish"

Yesterday was Friday, so it was movie & pizza night. Around lunchtime, I reserved a couple of movies at Redbox and picked up a fresh pizza to bake for dinner. But when I picked up my teenager following her Friday after-school activities, she informed me that she needed to be someplace at 8:00 pm.

"Flying Fish"

The student-led jazz band she is a member of had a performance! This band was started by her friend last summer and the group practices on a set day after school every week. In addition to their normal practice, most of the members of this student-led jazz band also participate in the school's instructor-led jazz band, which is an extracurricular activity, and curricular classes of either Band or Orchestra
8:00 pm was right in the middle of pizza and movie night, but we worked around it (Fortunately, my parents (with whom we temporarily live) spent the day in Chicago, a couple of hours drive from home, so we did not have to time-share the kitchen.) and were at the dance studio by 8:00 to set up for the performance. [Yes, I said dance studio. The studio had a special occasion promotion night for people to enjoy refreshments and dance to the tunes of "Flying Fish!" ]

My daughter and I were first to arrive at the dance studio for this event and I was privileged to watch parents bring the other band members. Fathers and mothers worked together to set up a keyboard and amp, then drum equipment. It was really nice to see couples working together to help their children's endeavor succeed. I have to admit that I felt more than a little embarassed that my daughter's dad was not there and helping. If he would have been there, I bet he would have had something in the car to help with the problem of needing another electrical outlet. But, alas, he was not here to help.
The performance lasted only about 15 minutes, but people seemed to have a great time dancing to the live music. After everything was done, I overheard the owner of the dance studio compliment the student-director of "Flying Fish" on how good the band is. The owner offered to let them practice at the studio whenever they want and even suggested they Come Back to Play More mini-concerts sometimes!

I am so proud of my daughter for being actively involved in this successful student activity.

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