Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home improvement blunder caught on camera

I brought my daughter up to work on my project house for a few days while she is off for Winter Break. We got in last night to find a leaky kitchen faucet that we didn't know how to fix. So I called in my handiman, Vern, for help, first thing this morning. He came over right away to look at the problem, which was very nice since he has another job he was working today, then promised to be back tomorrow morning to fix the leak.

After Vern left, Anne and I got to work...sort of. First, we headed out to the hardware store. While there, we picked up an ultra-simple-to-install wireless doorbell. There were all of two steps to get it working.
Step 1: Plug the doorbell into an electric outlet.
Step 2: Attach the ringer to the outside of the house.

I was feeling so confident that I could succesfully perform those necessary steps that I pulled out my video camera to record the event and show everyone how handy I am.... Little did I know that the stucco covering the outside of my house contains cement. Hence, all I wound up recording was myself breaking one of my most useful drill bits. My daughter was greatly amused.

In case it does not show up above, here is the direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlmHX-QLA0U

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