Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waukesha Freeman SCOOPED

Hi, everyone. Just a quick note here to let you all know that my local paper, the Waukesha Freeman, was scooped by an an Irish newspaper ( when a reporter wrote an article that was kind of about me. (The article is really about one of my readers, but I am mentioned quite prominently.) The reader, Sorche Hyland, emailed me a portion of the news release yesterday and I have emailed the reporter to see if I can get the full copy. I just did that this morning and am still waiting to hear back from him. By the way, just so you know as you read the story below, the date was 2009, not 2008. Here is what I have received so far...


A New Ross woman has spoken out to The Echo about the Circumstances that led to her becomming the Co President of An American Author's Fan Club. Sorche Hyland said she was listening to a Live internet conference in 2008 on the topic of GODS HEALING POWER OVER MARRIAGES when she heard Author Beth Durkee speak for the first time.

Broken, confused and still desperate to save her Long Marriage even after the legality of Divorse, Beth's voice touched ears and hearts around the world with her Heart Wrenching Call in Question said Sorche. She went on to comment that later that night she used the Social Network Facebook to search for Mrs Durkee and having found her sent a friend request.

"There was just something in her voice, such pain," said Sorche. "I knew that I had to reach out to her."

Reach out she did and Mrs Beth Durkee reacted in kind. Having recently written the first draft of her debut book THE DISPOSABLE NOBLE WIFE, Mrs Beth Durkee was eager for feedback from anyone who would read her writing. She mailed a copy of her book to Sorche, who dutifully began reading it.

"The very first sentance captivated {me} and propelled {me} headlong into the emotions and experiences of a betrayed wife fighting to save her marriage and family from destruction," said Sorche.

She went on to comment that it was like nothing she had read before. This was Beth's own story written into fiction form, laying bare for the world to see the HEART OF A WOMAN'S LOVE. She said she also revealed that her own belief in the book was something which inspired Mrs Durkee as she herself was unsure about its worth... See more on page....

When I get the rest of the article, I will try to post it for you all to read.

Keep in mind that I have been quite unsuccessful in my minor attempts to create a media buzz in my own community. A friend did pull some strings, once, to get me briefly interviewed about my second book, Navigating Marital Abandonment, but I was unable to find the article in print for my scrapbook after it was supposedly published. I guess it just goes to show how a person sometimes needs to go elsewhere to be recognized at home for their accomplishments.

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