Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Journey Continues

Tuesday, my daughter had me driving 9 straight hours to get to our first of four stops on the Great College Tour Adventure. We left our hotel around 8 in the morning, then around noon I asked her to look on Garmin for a place to eat lunch. She did, and found a Chinese buffet in a town near the freeway.

Pulling onto the state road leading to our buffet, we saw a sign that said something about Giant Superman statue straight ahead. Curious, we continued forward to find a giant statue of a logger right next to an "historic landmark" (marked as such), a large sign that said, "Welcome to Metropolis, home of Superman." Apparently, the town where we stopped was named Metropolis. (Fun!)

The small buffet where we ate was not terrible. It was, at least, clean and the food was well stocked. When we were finished eating, I walked out to the car while my daughter used the bathroom.

Coincidentally, the motorcyclist parked next to me was exiting the buffet at exactly the same time. He said something that I did not quite hear, so I responded by laughing at myself for walking to the wrong white car and we struck up a conversation until Anne got out to the car and it was time to continue our journey.

In the car, Anne nonchalantly asked, "So you decided to have a conversation with a stranger?" This statement, rather accusatory if you ask me, struck up a friendly conversation that eventually wound up with her calling my dad on her cell to ask a series of questions brought up in the conversation: are there any saltwater rivers, do any rivers lead out of either Salt Lake or the Dead Sea, do lobsters only live in salt water, do crawfish only live in fresh water, etc. After she hung up, we wound up talking about the movie, "Jaws," and how it was based on true events.

Several hours down the road, we stopped for some sight seeing. It was only one stop, but I have been wanting for a long time to do this. Can anybody guess where this photo was taken?

How about this one??

No, I am not telling. You have to guess. I am not telling if you are right, either. :-) But I will say, this was a pretty cool ride and the scenery was very pretty.

Because of the sightseeing stop, we wound up rolling into our hotel very late. I was super-tired, but it was definitely worth it.

And so the journey continues....

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