Friday, June 11, 2010

Getting Older

This last week has been final exams at the local high school. On Wednesday, my daughter was released from school a little before noon. A long-standing tradition on lunchtime-release days, we toodled down to the Olive Garden for lunch.

Still studying for one more day of exams, my daughter brought her books into the restaurant to study during wait-times. We were seated almost immediately. But when I saw her books, I ran out to the car for some writing I needed to edit. By the time I got back to the table, our server had already been there and my daughter had ordered for me.

When the server came back to our table, I estimated he was a college student. About half way of the way through our meal, this young man noted my daughter's books on our table and he asked if she was studying. When she confirmed, he asked which school she went to. When she told him she was in high school, he asked what grade she was in. And the whole time he was talking to my almost 16 year-old, he stood next to her seat rather than on the end of the table where a server belongs. (This was flirting, right?)

Needless to say, even though the young man stopped his advances after the discovery of my daughter's age, she was very flattered by the attention. Later on that day, she was still giggling about it. And on Thursday, she actually did something with her hair in the morning rather than letting it just flop all around her face.

Ah, my baby is getting bigger. How did I ever get old enough to have such big children? No more textbooks in restaurants!

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