Saturday, May 22, 2010

Princess Anne

My daughter is almost 16 years old and she is just finishing up 10th grade. About a year and a half ago, her dad's divorce was finalized and he moved in with the OW (other woman) while she and I moved in with my parents. Here I Stand in prayer as we wait for Anne's dad to give in to God and come home. Meanwhile, teenage life continues for my sweet almost-16 year old.

This past week, Anne told me that she had been asked to accompany a young man from her school to a “party.” She explained that a young male friend of hers from the high school Band (a trombonist) wanted to go to the party and he was trying to avoid a particular girl who would be there, so he had asked Anne to go with him as his “date.” I was instantly curious who was hosting the party, where was it located, did Anne know anyone else that would be going, would the parents be home, etc. So Anne collected my questions and went to her computer to email them to the young man.

A few minutes later, Anne came downstairs with the answers to my questions. The “party” was really a school dance at her high school on Friday. My concerns eased, I quickly approved her request.

Yesterday was Friday and Anne was all sniffly and miserable from allergies. At school, she talked to the young man and canceled their “pretend” date due to her sinus miseries. He responded that he didn't really want to go to the dance but that he thought she would be “hell-bent” on going.

Then this morning, Anne had to go to a Band practice for the District competition she has tomorrow. I drove her to school and came home. It did not take long at all for her to call me to come pick her back up from school.

We don't live far from the school, but most of the children were gone by the time I pulled into the parking lot to get Anne. As I pulled up to the door, a young man mounted his bicycle, waved good-bye to Anne and pedaled away. I thought I recognized his voice as the tuba player from Anne's ensemble competition quartet. And when Anne got into the car, I asked her if my recognition was correct. She confirmed. Then she told me that these two, chivalrous, young men had both learned of “the situation” with her dad, and have decided to adopt her.

My daughter must feel like a princess with two knight-protectors. I believe we shall have to think of knightly names for them!

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