Friday, May 21, 2010

Up Early

This morning, I woke up at around 5:15. This is early for me to awaken, but the days in Wisconsin are getting longer and the sun is out progressively earlier each day. So not only did I awaken early but so did Snickers, who was doing a poor job of being a bed warmer by sleeping atop the covers. (Silly dog.) And because Snickers was awake early, he was whining at my bedroom door. Try as I might, I was unable to ignore his cries for another forty-five minutes. So I got up.

Snickers bolted down the stairs as soon as I opened my bedroom door. And I followed at my normal, clumsy, morning speed after him. Snickers and Dusty (14 year-old Dusty sleeps downstairs) get let out of the house through the garage. And usually, I leave the human-door between the garage and the outside open so they can wait in the garage to be let back into the house. But this morning when I opened the door to let them out, I saw it was raining outside and I had left my car window half-way down. So I groaned, thought about going outside in bare feet and pajamas to roll my car window up, decided against that, and closed the door!

Ten minutes later, when I wanted to go back upstairs but hadn't heard the dogs scratch to be let inside, I went to go see where they were. I found them soaking wet and standing as close to the house as dogly possible. ~ Poor puppies!

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