Monday, July 18, 2011

Not Just a Table

In our divorce, the judge awarded me all of the household property that remained in our marital home. My parents rented a big truck to haul it all away, but we did not have enough room in the truck for my dining room table and chairs, so we left them.
Well, by the grace of God and a series of miracles, I now have a house that my family has been helping me repair so I can live in it and, despite that it is not quite ready for habitation, we have planned to have Thanksgiving dinner there this year in celebration of the progress we have made so far. I have a refrigerator now (courtesy of my credit card and a wonderful sale at Menard's), but I still need a stove and a dining room table (not to mention chairs) so I can feed everybody. Surprisingly, though, I have been totally unworried about these needs.

Meanwhile, my sister is newly engaged and plans to be married just before Thanksgiving, so we need to get most of my furniture out of my parents' house to make room for out of town guests. (Boxes can be transported on working trips.) It has become necessary to rent another truck.

Yesterday, I went to coffee with a long-time friend. The Starbuck's where we met was only about a mile from her house – which I had not yet seen, so she invited me over to take a look at some painting her brother had done for her. Sitting in her dining room was a table with chairs turned upside down on it. It turns out she just bought a new dining room set and I asked what she was going to do with her old one. At that point, she asked me if I wanted it. It seems she has not been able to find anyone else who needs another dining room table. Guess what I now have? Yep. All I have to do is move it and, oops, guess what, I need to get a moving truck anyway.

I am BLOWN AWAY how God perfectly provided for my needs across the barrier of time. He knew exactly what I would need before I did and then He took care of it with perfect timing. Now if He can do that with a TABLE, what do you suppose He can do with a MARRIAGE??

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