Monday, August 1, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter

This morning, my daughter and I set out on the Great College Tour Adventure this morning around 9:00. Not yet wanting to break out our CD's, she turned on the radio to help keep my from falling asleep on the long journey, and we both happily sang along as we drove. It was a Classic Rock station so I, of course, knew quite a few of the songs being played and my daughter was duly impressed at my knowledge of song names and artists. (This is really very funny because of how little I really do know. It just so happens that this morning, the station was playing some late 70's/early 80's music that I just happened to know enough of to sound knowledgeable. Boy, did I ever fool my teenager!)

About an hour and a half down the Interstate highway, we drove past a sign for an upsoming city: Paw Paw, x miles.

"Oh, look! Paw Paw!" exclaimed one of us.

Instantly and without any other provocation, we both started chanting the lyrics to "The Bare Necessities," from Disney's "Jungle Book" -- at the same time, back and forth, filling in the blanks of missing lyrics from each other. And when my daughter determined that the music on the car radio was making too much interference, she turned it off until we were done chanting at each other.

I have to laugh as I think of this incident. No matter how crazy I may seem to her and no matter how much she may roll her eyes and claim that she is just tolerating me until she can escape, my little girl is really just as nutsy in her heart of hearts as I am -- and she has a good time with it. In other words, like mother like daughter. ((GRIN))

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