Monday, December 13, 2010

Amazon momma

My daughter had her trombone home over the weekend because of her Jazz recital on Saturday. The agreement is that when she brings home her instrument and PRACTICES it, I will drive her to school the next morning. So this morning I showered and got dressed to drive her to school.

Well, I am out of clean t-shirts again, so I grabbed a cotton button-down to wear but it was all wrinkly. Fully dressed except for my shirt, I came downstairs and popped it in the dryer to dewrinkle for a few minutes. (This also serves the function of warming up my shirt before I put it on.) Then I sat in my favorite chair in the living room to wait for the dryer.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" asked my teenager.

I had JUST walked into the laundry room with it and started the dryer!

"It is wrinkly and I just...." I paused and changed my mind about what I was going to say, "Maybe I decided not to wear a shirt today."

"In -20 degree weather?" (She was including the wind chill.)

"This is my new Amazon outfit," I declared. "Either that or my shirt is in the dryer dewrinkling."

My daughter momentarily wrinkled her nose. "I don't like your new Amazon outfit."

"You only don't like it because I don't have a gold bra!"

Tightened lips, squinted eyes and my teenager turned back to getting ready for school.

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