Sunday, December 12, 2010

Message to the Queen

Last night in Southeastern Wisconsin where I live, the weather got really nasty. Thankfully, I heard about the impending bad weather and went to church yesterday when it was still above freezing. (It was 38 degrees F / 3.33 C.)
This morning when I looked out the window, snow hung on all the branches of the trees. It was quite pretty, but I was glad I did not have to drive in it. (I wish I had a picture for my blog, but I don't know where I last put my camera.) Still, my daughter had asked me to drive her a couple of places today. So I knew I would have to venture out in the muck eventually. I did so in the "heat" of the day...around 3:30 PM.

It took 20 minutes to get the ice and snow off my car to the point I could drive. It's a good thing I needed to drive out today or that 20 minutes would have been spent tomorrow morning and my daughter would be late for school. (Whew!) When I turned on the car, the dashboard read the outside temperature was 18 degrees F (-7.77 C).

The first place we drove was to the video game store. (There is a special today that my daughter did not want to miss.) My little car could not get over the icy rise in the driveway into their parking lot.

Not one to go back on my word, I headed for the highway. We drove closer into the city to another game store. While we were in that direction, we could also run another of her errands that she needed to do at a shop near our local mall. Then I rewarded myself for being a good mother by taking us out for nachos and taco salad. (Yummm....)

Eating dinner with my daughter is always nice. I really enjoy her company. This evening, I mentioned somethimg I wrote about in chapter one of the book I am currently writing, Walking Between the Miracles.

The thing I mentioned was when I was young and I met a real, live knight. One would think that should be a very cool experience...but it was not. The old inventor did not come wearing a suit of armor, riding a horse, or brandishing a sword. Totally uncool. I told my daughter that my book quickly suggests to knights that they should make it a point, when being entertained by the parents of young girls, to bring a sword with them. My daughter added, "or a horse," and laughed. Of course, that was just silly. My parents didn't have space in their back yard for a horse. So I continued with a reflection that all we need to do now is get my book into the hands of the Queen of England so she can let the knights know.

Insolent child! One addition I could ignore. But two? She added, "Or the Queen of Spain."

No, no, no!

AND the Queen of Spain. ALL Queens.

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