Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Yesterday was very busy, including signing three books, but there is really only one thing that touched me as noteworthy.

It was the day the high school Band students received Kringles to deliver for their fundraiser orders and my daughter had asked me to pick her up after school. In the morning before school, she warned me that I would need to come into the building to help her carry the orders out to my car.

When I arrived at the school, I parked on the curb in front of the door and jingled my daughter's cell to let her know I was there. I needed her to come guide me back to get the Kringles. She was giggling and laughing as she told me that she was almost there.

Exit my daughter beside her boyfriend (explains the giggling), who carried two large boxes in his arms. What a pleasant surprize! In addition to relieving me from box-carrying duty, this gave me the opportunity to quiz him on his holiday plans. Now this is sweet. He answered he plans to take my daughter sledding.

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