Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This morning, I am reminded of God's sense of humor.

Let me start with some background information. I began my early life in a place that does not really have a lot of snow, just outside of Washington D. C. After second grade, my parents moved to the suburbs of Chicago. The year we moved had record snowfall. That is when I learned how much I detest snow. I determined that I would live in a place where there was no snow when I grew up.

Many years later, I married a young man who joined the Army and gave me the choice of his duty station. I gratefully chose Central Texas. There is not much snow in Central Texas. (I grin just thinking about the winter weather there.) Unfortunately, when my husband decided to take a hiatus from our marriage and family to satisfy his midlife crisis, I needed to move in with my parents to make ends meet. They live in Southeastern Wisconsin (AKA "The Land of Ice and Snow" ).

Believe it or not, we actually got to their house and unloaded my moving truck in snow flurries -- A mere two days after leaving 80 degree (26.67 C) weather in Central Texas.

That first winter back in Wisconsin, I did pretty well with shoveling my parents' long driveway and dealing with the snow. The second winter in back in Wisconsin, I continued to live with my parents and shovel their long driveway. I was tired of the snow, but still alright. Now, this is the third winter back in Wisconsin.

The temperatures in our area have been much colder than usual and I have been driving my daughter to her bus stop for safety purposes. Because of the extreme cold temperatures, especially over the last few weeks, our family members avoided going out to shovel the last time it snowed. This resulted in our cars packing down the snow, which then became ice.

Yesterday was nice, though. It got up to just above freezing... and it snowed. Later in the day, my neighbors all had their snow blowers going. My parents, daughter and I shoveled. We got the driveway pretty clear by sundown. We even chipped off most of the packed ice. I was kind of looking forward to enjoying a clean driveway today.

This morning, my daughter missed the bus and I needed to drive her to school. I could almost hear God laugh when He saw me look at my car in the driveway.
Everything was covered in snow.

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