Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Good Day

Sometimes, I have days that are just awful. Nothing seems to go right no matter what I do. Other times, not nearly as often, I have days like today.

Thia morning, I did not want to get out of bed when my alarm rudely interrupted my sleep. I got up anyway. That was the worst part of my day. From there, it just got better... oh, except the two times my dog pooped on the floor... but at least his stools were firm and easy to get up without making a mess.
  • My daughter woke up and got up right away when I opened her door this morning. That was an unusual and very pleasant surprise. Then she came downstairs and was ready to drive to her bus stop in plenty of time.
  • Anne also got her S.A.T. scores online this morning. She has been anxiously awaiting them for a long time. Now, she did not do as well as she had hoped, BUT she did make above average scores. That is good news as far as I am concerned. Now she can apply for "early admission" to some of the colleges she might want to attend.
  • The temperature outside warmed up from -9F (-23C) this morning to 14F (-10C) this evening. (Hallelujah!!)
  • When I got inside from driving Anne to the bus stop, I checked my email and received a message from my publisher, saying that I sold a copy of Navigating Marital Abandonment last night. (Every book sale is a new thrill for me as I imagine who God has drawn to read my words and how they will be benefitted by what I have written.)
  • My Facebook Fan page statistics show I had over 1200 post views last week!
  • I addressed three book promotion items I have been meaning to send for over two weeks.
  • I made it to the post office to actually mail those items.
  • I had time and opportunity to stop for a $1 bean burrito to surprise a coworker. She always forgets to pre-pack her lunch in the evening and I wanted to bring her something so she would not be hungry at work. As it turns out, she was especially hungry today because she had no time to take a lunch break. The burrito was a perfect quick snack for her this afternoon. 
  • I clocked in at work exactly on time (to the minute!) despite stopping for that burrito. Then I helped clients one after the other all day until I clocked out, except for just enough time to finish up my paperwork before I left for the day.
  • I remembered to stop at the grocery on the way home for my daughter's breakfast for tomorrow. (For somebody with ducumented memory problems, this is a big deal.)
  • I was in perfect time again when I drove to pick Anne up from school.
  • I decided to buy pizza for dinner and our waitress recognized us from a previous visit. Then she chatted with us all through dinner -and- asked for my business card!
  • When we got home, I checked my email and there was a message from a friend I have not seen in a while. She wants to have lunch sometime soon.
  • Two new people "liked" my Facebook fan page.
Could today have been better? Well, I guess it could have. My husband could have called to say something nice (Happy Valentine's Day, perhaps?), a secret admirer could have sent me flowers, I could have won the lottery, etc. (Darn! Everything today was going so right. I should have played the lottery!) But barring the extremely unusual, this was probably one of the best days I have had in a while. All in all, I feel very thankful for it. Good days like today make the more frequent bad days more tolerable. At least we know that life is not all bad all the time. Thank God for good days.

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