Thursday, August 4, 2011

Another Day of Adventure

This morning, we woke up early, ate a complimentary hotel breakfast, and got out of the hotel half an hour before Anne's plan said we would leave. (Her plan changed when I reminded her about morning rush hour traffic.) It was an hour's drive into the city where college number 2 on our Great College Tour Adventure is located.

I am glad we left when we did because Anne did not have the address of the college and she did not have a map of campus so that we could find the building where we were supposed to go. First, we looked in Garmin to see if the school was listed there, but Anne could not remember if she was going to a "college" or an "institute." So she looked in her notes for the campus telephone number. When she called that, nobody -- not even a machine, picked up the phone. She was beside herself. I suggested she call directory assistance and some very nice people got us going in the right direction.

That was good, but it still did not give us the exact address of the building we were headed to visit. When we got to campus, we drove round and round and round, looking for the building. By 10:00, the time the meeting was supposed to begin, we still had not found the right building and Anne was so frustrated she was starting to cry. Thank goodness one of us spotted a campus map near the side of a road. I pulled over, she hopped out to consult the map, talked to a student walking past her, then came back to the car. It turns out the building is not accessible by car.

I sent Anne on foot to find the meeting while I looked for a place to park. Within minutes, she had found it. I, however, had not found a close place to park. No worries. I just parked and waited while she toured the place. Two hours later, I drove around to the place I let her out and we were off to lunch. The verdict: This school has some nice features. It will receive one of her applications.

After lunch, we headed back to the hotel by way of a place I have not seen in 34 years.

Anne doing yoga.

The last time I was here was when I was 8 years old. It was part of an adventure with my own parents many years ago. Now I have shared the place with my daughter, despite her rolling eyes. Maybe someday she will share this mini-adventure with her children, too.
Anne climbing.

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