Saturday, August 6, 2011

Brief Update

The alarm clock woke me up at 5:00 this morning. Needless to say, I could not fall back to sleep after that. I just lay awake in the hotel bed until the phone rang with our wake-up call, then took my morning shower. The extra time gave me the chance to look online for another hotel for tonight. I booked it and we checked out of last night's room on our way to this morning's college tour.

After touring a beautiful campus, Anne and I stopped for lunch in town. Then we headed a couple of hours down the road and towards the mountains. Believe it or not, Anne slept the whole way -- missing all the scenery. Dinner tonight was at Pizza Hut, where I entertained our waitress with stories. Now we are checked in to tonight's hotel room, in a valley between the mountains.

Here is a picture from just outside our hotel.

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