Monday, August 15, 2011

My Favorite Pizza Parlor

Well, Anne and I finished up her college tours and got home safely. On our way through the Chicago area, I stopped at Wapaghetti's Pizza in Wheeling, IL. It is a favorite from when I was a young teen living there. We sat in a new room, secondary to the main dining room, and I asked the server when the room had been added.

"Ohh... we've had this room for about 20 years," she answered.

Of course, you know that I had to contradict her. I ate at the restaurant when my daughter was a baby and she is not 20. They had just moved to the location from where their original store used to be (the one where I went as a young teen) and they had only one room at the time. I did not mention my personal experience. I just said, "No. It was still at the old location 20 years ago."

The girl was quick to answer. She was sure of the restaurant's history, even though she is too young to remember it first-hand. That's when I started in with how the last time I ate at Wapaghetti's was....

Anne interrupted me, "Mom! I am going to be 18. 18 is almost 20. She said about 20."

"Oh! Alright," was all I could say as it hit me. 18 is almost 20. Isn't it?

Moments after the girl disappeared into the kitchen again to place our order, an older Italian man walked into the room and headed directly to our table. He introduced himself as Joe, the owner. He had come out to visit with the patron who had come back after almost 20 years. Nice man. We had a lovely chat and I snapped his photo with Anne. (She was less than thrilled.)

Now my daughter can never forget visiting my youthful favorite pizza parlor.


  1. A pizza parlor that has stayed that long in a local area only means one thing: its PIZZAS ARE REAL GOOD! No doubt that your ol’ time fave pizza parlor has managed to adapt to changes. Providing a more spacious eatery is a good sign that more people are coming in. I wonder if they have other branches in nearby cities.

    Joseph Carr

    1. Yes, they are my favorite because they make super yummmmy pizza! And yes, as a matter of fact, they do have more branches around the Chicago suburbs now that they have been in business so long. (Not saying I am old or anything, mind you.)

      Thanks for your comments. :-)
