Friday, August 19, 2011

Promise of Prizes

Over the past few days, I have been having just the most incredible time getting ready for a Tell-a--Friend book promotion I want to do for my books. I already have several donations of prizes from Wisconsin local sponsors, have secured some CDs from music artist friends that can be shipped off to worldwide contestants, and one of my fan club co-presidents has been getting some good results for prizes in her local area of Ireland.

It is really a buzz to realize there are so many entrepeneurs out there that are willing to help me succeed in my books. I guess my books' status as Reader's Favorite Awards finalists helps people's confidence that the promotion may actually succeed for everyone involved. Who knows? But it sure is fun collecting the promise of prizes!

More on this topic later. Meanwhile, if you know any businesses that might like to donate a small prize to the competition, please have them contact me at .


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