Monday, December 5, 2011

Idea to Embark on a Travelling Adventure

I spent this morning idling away my time on a letter to my estranged husband that he will never receive. I think about him a lot and how I wish he would just do the smart thing: swallow his pride and come home. Unfortunately, he seems to be one of those people who needs God to bash them harder than others before waking up and seeing what is right in front of his face and plainly obvious. So I wait. While I wait, I write. Some of my writing is for my readers and developing fan base, but a lot of it is in letters to my husband that I later delete. Such is life.

Whereas I spent most of my morning today in my jammies and typing to my personal prodigal, this is Monday. That means I have lunch with my fan club president, Natalie, at The Old Country Buffet. So, around 11:00, I stopped writing my never-to-be read letter – well, maybe I will send part of this one – to get dressed and hop in my newly repaired car. (Reference my post, Into the Hood.) Off to the buffet I drove.

As I was driving, things must have been mulling themselves around in the back of my mind because just around the time I sat down to eat, an idea occurred to me. This is one of those recurring ideas that keeps coming back to me over and over again in slightly modified form each time. Every time I get it, it is like a brand new thought.

Here it is: Next year, my daughter is going to be in college. That means I will have nothing to keep me in one place for any length of time. I do have the house, which I need to mind. But other than the house, I am free. That means I can finally take some time to TRAVEL anywhere the wind blows me.

I started thinking (again) about traveling instead of being tethered to my house. The idea appeals to me, but there are a few obstacles. Let’s list them here:

1. I have a dog that I love and he is an active breed.

2. Even though I have no mortgage, I do have a house with basic utility expanses, a yard that needs to be mowed in summer and a walk that needs to be shoveled during winter.

3. Money. Unless a person is independently wealthy, money and a job are always obstacles to traveling for any length of time. I am the exact opposite of wealthy, so money will be an issue. Money for transportation, lodging, food and essentials.. and for maintaining my house back at home of course.

4. My passport is lost.

I’m pretty sure that is it for now, with the possible exception that I speak only English. That might be a problem if I decide to travel around non-English speaking countries.

With this comprehensive list in hand, I will spend the afternoon thinking about how Snickers and I can overcome these FIVE obstacles in order to embark upon a long-term traveling adventure together. Would anybody like to volunteer any ideas to help me?

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