Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Status Unionus

Yesterday afternoon, I found myself in front of my parents' television, watching FOX News. Now I hate the news and I detest politics, but I do temporarily reside with parents who pretty much inhale political news... all day long. Any time I want to come into the living room,

Lo and Behold! Bill O'Reilly came on the set and I wound up being entranced for about an hour of more political commentary. Ugh. (One thing I will say about Mr. Oreilly, though, is that he does have very pretty blue eyes.)

This morning, I awoke with the decision that if I have to watch politics and suffer through taxes and our nation's financial crisis and hear about big news stories as I am just minding my own business (at lunch, yesterday, Natalie was talking about a news story on something bad happening to a girl in Milwaukee) then, by gum, I am going to start blogging about it.

For a few moments this morning, I considered torturing my current readers with my commentary, but then I came to my senses. I certainly would not want to LOSE precious readership to regurgitate my overflow of accidentally ingested blather. Hence, I created another blog. Feel free to read and participate if you please, or ignore that blog altogether. Your choice.

Here is the url of "Status Unionus:" http://statusunionus.blogspot.com/

~Beth Durkee

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