Monday, January 9, 2012

Classic Avoidance

I have another story idea that I recently began putting to paper. (Well, digital media, but it is all about the same these days.) I have the title, and the perfect photograph for its cover. Here is the photo:

(No, you cannot make out the face. I purposely had it mottled.)

I have the storyline figured out, for the most part and, as usual, I have real anecdotes from my own life to include as part of the story. The only problem is that I am having a really difficult time putting my thoughts into words. It is quite frustrating and the writing of this thing seems to be taking a lot more time than it should. So far, I have only about 2400 words written over the course of about three days.

On top of this story idea, my daughter needs for me to complete my income tax return so that she can apply for financial aid for next year's college tuition. The earlier she files her financial aid application, the better her awards will be -- or so she is led to believe. Hence, she has been consistently nagging me to go to my employers from last year and request my income statements. Keep in mind that they are not required to provide the statements for another three weeks.

Let's now add to my stress load that I have taken on a project to read the first book of a fellow author and help him with some badly needed editing. I am so honored to be invited and really want to help because it is such an important writing and I know I have thoughts of value to add. Besides, all the writing or editing I do for others increases my own skills. It is really a win-win situation. It just takes time.

Then, of course, I have some paperwork I need to submit to the government again -- this time within the "window" when they will accept it. I cannot call to submit the required paperwork. I have to go wait in line at the office. Joy. More demands on my time. This year's window ends in another month and a half (after which I need to wait yet another year to submit paperwork that will save me a lot of money every month).

Oh, plus there is always the project house. I have been working on it for two years, it is all torn up on the inside, it's not even able to pass its safety inspection yet, and it needs to be ready for occupancy within about five months. I really need to devote some weekends (when I can get them free) to getting it into a habitable condition.

And I have been trying to work on my "social networking" and marketing for my books. (Did I mention that my first book, The Disposable Noble Wife, was downloaded 322 times over the weekend? I didn't get a cent from it, but I did get the book into the hands of people who will probably read it and remember my name! Hurray! -- My daughter still denies I am famous, though.)

So that is the state of affairs in my life. I am under so much pressure right now that I can barely breathe. Oh! I just remembered that I need to set an appointment for Snickers to have his rabies vaccination... and I should probably have a tetanus booster, especially since I am rennovating an old house.

Sigh. I think I will play another hand of Solitaire to take my mind off things for a few minutes. (This is what I like to call "Classic Avoidance.)

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