Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sneak Peek!

Free PDF download of my newest title, The Rumor's Secret

January 27 Only!
8 am to 11 pm CDT

Visit, click to go to the free download page and follow the instructions.


Download your FREE PDF of my newest short story, The Rumor's Secret and help it go viral.

This fun, short Romance was written with good intentions to help advertize a noble-hearted friend's annual fundraiser concert. Please download it on January 27th, read, and pass it on.

Why ONLY January 27th? Simply because I will be enrolling the title in Amazon KDP on January 28th. At that time, I will be contractually obligated to sell or give away NO MORE copies until the title's enrollment period is over. (Fans and Readers who have already downloaded the title, though, are under no such obligation -- so share away!) But I sell so many copies on KDP that I will probably never unenroll it! So if you want your free copy, please make sure to get it while you can.

1 comment:

  1. Open for download NOW, although it is two hours early. Please download, read, enjoy.

    A more direct link:
