Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Dream and a Promise

On July 27th, this year, I looked out my front window to find a beautiful, vivid double-rainbow hanging in the sky before me. I exclaimed so that my daughter would come to look, then ran for my camera. I knew right where it was but by the time I got back to my window, the doubling had almost completely disappeared. Still, I snapped photos so that I could remember. I was sure it must be a sign of some sort, so I posted two photos to a blank blog in anticipation of writing something about them.

My next-door neighbor's house
That night, I lay awake in bed, pouring through Noah's story in Genesis to try to discern what my double-rainbow might have meant. But all I could get was that there would never again be a great flood to destroy the earth. I let the matter go and forgot about writing in the blog.
The other night, which is months later, I had a strange dream. In the dream, a gentleman friend that I have never met in person but with whom I have been speaking long-distance for about 2 years was talking to his older sister. He was telling her of his failed attempts to ask me to marry him. It was a very strange dream as, to date, he has been very respectful of my Stand for restoration and there have been no proposal attempts. I determined that I would call him to talk about my dream. Unfortunately, the next day was Sunday and he was in church all morning (I went Saturday evening), so I could not call right away. I would have to wait.
I was just poking around online, biding my time, when I came across the unfinished post about my double-rainbow. All that was there was pictures, but when I saw them, the meaning of the dream and significance of the double-rainbow slapped me in the face. A tear formed in the corner of my eye with the realization.

Several years ago, my husband left me for his mistress. In complete disregard for Biblical Law, he divorced me against my will so that he could pursue his adulterous relationship. Since then, my heart has been closed. I have turned down every date request and, yes, marriage proposal while waiting for his return. (I figured he would have to wake up someday! No luck. He seems to be in a coma.) 
The meaning of my dream: It is time to open my heart again to someone who wants to love me.
Genesis 9: 11 "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."
The meaning of the rainbow: "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will your heart be destroyed by the waters of a flood of tears; never again will there be a flood to destroy your life."

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