Saturday, October 16, 2010


I just got back my book review from's "Reader's Favorite!"


Here is what they said:
"The Disposable Noble Wife" is A mixture of fact and fiction. The plot will tug at the reader’s heartstrings. Our world is filled with infidelity, broken homes. The children are the ones that pay the price. The author suffered humility and heartbreak.

As marriage vows state “What God have joined together, and Let no man put asunder.” Many men and women do not take their vows seriously. In this fact/fiction story, we see the author trying to hold her marriage together, not only for the sake of her children. When it gets to the point that you are in harm’s way, it is time to let go of the marriage.

This is a very deeply emotional story that I could not put down. I urge all women to read it. With God all things are possible. We need to place all our sorrows in His hands and He will grant us rest and peace. Excellent story. Highly recommended for husbands and wives to read together.

Isn't that exciting?! I am really revved! ...Now if only I could get people to buy my book....

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