Sunday, March 6, 2011


Several months ago, right before my newest book, Navigating Marital Abandonment, was released, I announced to my daughter that I would be a famous author by "el Cinco de Mayo."

Anne just sort of rolled her eyes. She remarked, "Good. Then we will be able to afford my driver's license."

I just laughed, "I said famous. I did not say rich."

Yesterday, March 5, marked exactly two months before el Cinco de Mayo. I am not exactly a famous author (yet!) but this blog has readers from around the world. Remembering what I told my daugher, it occurred to me that I should claim my worldwide readership as a mark of "fame." (It is really very gratifying to be read around the world, you know.)

When I announced that my promise has been kept and that I am now a famous author, my 16 year old said, "No, you're not." (Disbelieving child!)

"Yes, I am," I countered. "My blog is read around the world!"

My impudent child responded, "You had 121 readers in a week. You are not famous. Can you go anywhere and be recognized wherever you go?"

"Well, no. But I have readers on every continent except Antarctica. That makes me a famous author."

"Mom, that is like saying I am a famous trombonist. I am a trombonist and I know people from around the world through the missionary conference I go to every year. I am not a famous trombonist."

I lifted my eyebrows as I took a chip off my plate. "Have they all heard you play?" I popped the chip in my mouth.

"Well. . . My friends in Texas and Wisconsin have."

Chip in my mouth, I shrugged, "Not famous." Then, all of a sudden, a thought occurred to me. Quickly, I swallowed my chip.

"Oh, my gosh!" I exclaimed. "I just realized that I uploaded a video of you playing your trombone to Youtube today! You are a trombonist, you are known around the world, and now you have your own Youtube video! Maybe you ARE a famous trombonist!!"

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