Friday, July 13, 2012

Two old men in a little red sports car

About two weeks ago, I finally moved into my project house. A couple of days later, my daughter came to stay with me for a week. The idea was that she was going to unpack her room and help me with projects around the house. Ehhh... no. That is not what happened. What wound up happening is that a heat wave passed through the area and we discovered our air conditioner does not work. Day after day of near triple-digit, humid weather with no air conditioning had us sleeping from heat exhaustion -or- going to the local shopping center to temporarily escape the heat. We did, however, manage to get the grass cut over the course of three mornings and, when the weather broke, Anne got some of her bedroom unpacked while I worked on unpacking a little of my office and kitchen. (I'm still unpacking, by the way.)

Day before yesterday, I got back from three days worth of appointments back down in the Milwaukee area. I rolled in pretty late, so went out to dinner rather than going to the grocery for something to cook. Then yesterday, I really wanted to just go out for a salad at dinner, so I did. Now it just so happens that the only place to go out for a decent dinner salad near where I live is the area Applebees, and that is where I found myself. I walked into the dimly-lit restaurant right behind two older gentlemen. I did not think much about it when I was seated at a table directly beside theirs, but on the other side of a half-wall. I just opened my menu and began to quietly peruse the salads.

"You have a flashlight over there?" asked a deep voice. It was such a ridiculous question that I looked up from my menu to see which one of my new neighbors was asking it, and of whom. Imagine my surprise to find the gaze of my nearest neighbor fastened on ME. 

He repeated his question. I answered pleasantly, "No, but I kind of wish I did." (Like I said, the restaurant was very dimly lit.) I turned back to my menu.

"Well, then, that light must be coming from you," continued the stranger. "You're glowing pretty well over there."

By this time, I had looked up again and I openly laughed. What a pick-up line! (Keep in mind that this was a grey-haired, older gentleman and I always wear a ring on my wedding finger.) Laughing, I announced that he had just secured an entry in my blog. This, of course, led to the question of what I do -- to which I answered that I write, which led to more questions and more answers. Then Carl volunteered that he and Bob had stopped for dinner on their way home from a massive car show and I got to ask a few questions about that. Eventually, a lady at another table chimed in with the answer to one of Carl's many questions about the community (which, of course, I cannot yet answer). Then her husband added his input. They talked for a while. Then it was back to me.

Somehow, as I was telling them about all the work I have done to my project house, I wound up telling Carl (and Bob) about the problem tree stump I still need removed from my back yard. At the mention of it, Carl said, "Oh, if I had my truck here I'd pull that out for you right now."

"Really?" My eyebrows shot up, wondering how serious he was. For almost three years, I have been trying to get rid of that thing by chemicals and burning, but I cannot afford to have it ground out of the soil and the stump just continues taunting me with its presence. It will not go away! Finding someone who may be willing and able to pull it out with his truck was a God-send!

Carl then started talking about his truck and all the equipment he has back home, but Bob stopped him after a few moments. "If you're so serious about this, why don't we just follow her home and take a look at it?" He demanded... and that is how I wound up being followed home by two, old men in a little red sports car.

At my house, they looked at the huge, double tree-stump. Carl promised to get back to me with a price -- when I call him (I would not give out my phone number). Bob noted the gas grill in my back yard is a nice one (which gave me the chance to say it is my ex-hero's). And THEN the guys looked at my air conditioner. It turns out that it is NOT a "piece of junk" like my neighbor said. It does seem to be missing a fuse, though, and it sits very un-level. As per usual, it will require some work but is not totally hopeless. (The story of my life!) Good to know. Thanks, Carl and Bob.

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