Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today's Grace

Every day is a new challenge. Thankfully, those who have gone before me are here to help and give me encouragement.

This morning, I awoke with the same prayer in my heart as every morning. I pray for the return of my Prodigal and the restoration of our covenant marriage. But before I rose from the guest bed where I sleep, a very strange thought occurred to me.

I thought, "I should go on The Jerry Springer Show to confront my husband and his mistress."

I have never truly had the opportunity to confront the other woman (OW). And by my husband's lies and denial of due process, I was even denied having my lawyer question the OW during our divorce hearing. (There was only that brief moment when I caught her with my husband in the back seat of our new car. But that hardly counts as a confrontation because I was unaware of their affair and, therefore, unprepared. Besides, she didn't talk. The backstabbing homewrecker just ran. Now back to my story....)

When my computer was up, I looked up The Jerry Springer Show to see how I could get on it. Lo and behold! The show has a topic along the lines of "someone has stolen your mate and you want to confront them about it."

Bingo! I copied the link. I had kind of a funny feeling, though. And I remembered the verse about those who fast in public having already received their reward. So I went onto Facebook and made a comment to see what other Standers might think. I was rewarded almost instantly by the questioning comment, "As a Stander?" And I knew my funny feeling had been correct: Going on the talkshow before restoration, although probably good for my book sales, would be restoration suicide. So I quickly answered that it had just been a passing fancy.

Here is where the day's new trial comes into play. My Prodigal's cousin is a Facebook friend of mine. He saw my post and (probably well meaning) commented that "most mates cannot be stolen. It takes two to make a relationship and it takes two to break a relationship." Thankfully, social networking sites allow users to scream and fume without being heard by their contacts. And I was able to give an answer that was both nonconfrontational and not really an answer before I went off fuming aloud about the developmental stages of marriage and that if it takes two to make a relationship, then it is simple math that breaking the relationship between two people would only require removing one, which is very easy to do during stages two and three in a marriage. (Do you see that I am still fuming a little?)

God's merciful grace to me today is that I am in contact with others who are Restored Standers. There are only a few, but I was able to find one who talked to me for several minutes. She reminded me of some simple facts that I had forgotten. And she commented positively on some recent events in my Stand, telling me some things that her Returned Prodigal has shared with her, and giving me both hope and encouragement.

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