Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In the Old Testament, Daniel had dreams. Now, there is no way I am anywhere even close to Daniel in anything, including my faith. But if Daniel can be given dreams, then maybe I can be given dreams, too. And there are people I know of who are Standing for marriage restoration, like I am, who have been given occasional dreams. So I think my recent series of four dreams may have been messages/visions. And in retrospect, they seem to form a sort of sequence.

Round about the first week in September, I had a dream with my husband in it. It did not look a lot like him, but it was definitely him. A few nights later, I had another dream with my husband in it. This one looked like him. A few more nights later, I had yet another dream. And  then the very next night I had another. I have had no dreams since these four.

In a nutshell, this is what I dreamt:
Dream 1: My esteemed spouse was sitting at a conference table in a room. He had a solemn look on his face and was agreeing to come home for the sake of our daughter, with the stipulation that he intended to leave again as soon as she reached adulthood.

Dream 2: I was sleeping in my apartment (I do not live in an apartment). My large, black, non-threatening, male roommate (I live with my parents. I now believe this represented a powerful angel) walked past my bedroom door to go into the living room to care for his child as my husband came into the apartment and entered my bedroom as I slept. He awoke me with a kiss.

I was very surprized to see my husband (especially kissing me). But, oh, how I have missed him! And he was home. We kissed ferociously as his clothes started to come off. But then my dog started barking wildly in the living room. My husband got up off me, seeming to know what the problem was, to go into the living room. But he said he would come right back to me. I got up after he left the room to go see what he was going to do. I was very quiet so he didn't see me.

In the living room was a pet carrier with a cat in it. No wonder my dog was barking! The cat belonged to my husband's mistress. When my husband started turning to come back to my bedroom, I quickly ran back and pretended to be asleep again. I waited and waited for him to come back to finish making love to me, but eventually I opened my eyes again. He was just finishing putting on his clothes to leave me and return to his mistress.

Dream 3: My third dream was very short. My husband called me on the phone. He was crying and his face was beat red as he admitted that he wanted terribly to come home. Before I could answer, I woke up.

Dream 4: This one was very symbolic, but it was definitely about my spouse. He is trapped. But when the way is open, he is afraid to come out and needs to be coaxed. But when he comes out, it will be cuddles and kisses and furiously wagging tails. :-)

Alright. So now the question is: When will my dreams come true?

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