Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Contest Entry

I am super-close to being done with my most recent written work, Navigating Marital Abandonment. My writing is finally finished, but I would really like a few abandoned spouses to volunteer testimonies to include in my chapter on "Commonalities."

It is very exciting to be almost ready for editing and publication, but I am feeling a little discouraged about my writing. Everyone who reads what I write seems to like it pretty well. But I really only ask opinions of people I know -or- people with an interest in selling my work. And the fact that only (a very few) people I know have actually purchased the paperback copy of my work does not lend me any confidence.

So last night, I had a thought and made a decision. I am going to enter my work into some writing contests. This will get me some honest opinions and get me a good comparison of my work compared to the work of other writers. Of course, Navigating Marital Abandonment is not yet ready for any kind of contest. But The Disposable Noble Wife, which I wrote in 2009, is quite ready.... I started looking for contests.

Did you know that writing contests, even those judged by volunteers, cost money to enter? I have very little money, in my temporarily divorced state, but I found a contest with only a $15 entry fee and filled out the forms. When I tried to submit my work, though, it was too large a file. I changed it to plain text and tried to submit it again. It was still too large. (I guess Navigating Marital Abandonment will have to be the entry for this contest.)

I went back to look at other writing contests to enter. I found one that was only $85 to enter. All the finalists of this contest will be listed on next Fall. As that would be very good advertizing for my unread novella, I used my charge card to enter the contest over coffee this morning. (Wish me luck!) Now I am so excited, the contest is all I can think about!

Maybe I should not have had the coffee?

1 comment:

  1. Note of progress: When the first review came back from a reader for this contest, the book received FIVE STARS. I am not sure if that means it will continue on to the next round of judging or not. Keep your fingers crossed!
