Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stress and an Honor

October 18, my son's 25th birthday....
Ahhh, yes. I still remember him sitting in his car seat,
wearing that newborn-size yellow sleeper,
gazing up at me as I did homework....
Back to my story...

October 18, my son's 25th birthday, I woke up already stressed.

Twenty five years ago on this day, I had just gone through my first childbirth. My son, who was anticipated to be only five to six pounds wound up being a whopping 9 lbs 5 oz and I, being the tiny 16 year-old I was, not only tore. I had afterbirth problems which required emegency, post-partum surgery to save my life -- at 3:32 am. I barely saw mt baby-boy on this day because I spent most of the day sleeping. But still, it was a very good day overall.

Eighteen years ago on this day, I woke up at my fiance's parents' house. It was a Sunday and I had spent Friday and Saturday there with my sone to decide if I really wanted to move in with my finace and his parents. My problem was not really whether I wanted to move in with my fiance. It was more that I knew my parents would not like the idea and I wanted to make sure I could tolerate living with my fiance's parents before pissing off my own. As it turns out, I did move in with them on that day, right after my son's birthday party, which coincided with a really emotional and difficult display of an ex-boyfriend of mine. Three months after my and my son's move in, we moved out and brought my husband to live with us at my parents' house. Note: His mother is horrible.

Three years ago on this day, my husband of almost 15 years activated a prepaid cell phone to secretly communicate with another man's wife so they could plan the impending destruction of our two families.

And this year, this was the day I planned to release the video trailer for my new book, Navigating Marital Abandonment, to Facebook. PLUS I am pretty sure I was due to meet my sister's new boyfriend at dinner on this day. So I was stressed.

My book trailer can be seen here, by the way:
Please "like" it and pass it on to friends and family. Word of mouth is my only advertizing and I could really use all the help I can get. (Thanks.)

Well, alright. I think I have established my day was slightly stressful by the time I awoke and my stress levels were not due to lessen as the day progressed. Lo and behold, sometime midmorning my friend, Jason, surprized me with an instant message. My busy friend is a carreer pilot, host of the Covenant Warriors podcast, and It has been a couple of weeks since Jason had anything to say to me, so I was very surprized to get his message. It said something along the lines of,
"Will you do me a favor?"

Fortunately, he wanted the favor on Tuesday (the 19th) and it was an easy one. he just needed a cohost for his podcast show in case he had problems calling in to it with his cell phone. (Phew.) Rather than being an additional stress for this day, my friend gave me the honor of asking me to cohost his podcast on the next evening.

If you are interested to listen to my part in the show, just listen to the Oct. 19, 2010 show HERE . :-)

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