Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gay Marriage Bill Passed

Well, it looks like New York has legalized same-sex marriage and anybody who comments their displeasure about it is having all sorts of insults thrown in their direction. I have to say, that attitude does not present very well for the homosexual community. Has nobody ever heard of being a GRACIOUS WINNER?

In fact, I just read a blog about the Archbishop of (I assume) New York making a statement in regards to the same-sex marriage bill. His statement was not really negative or positive, if you ask me. It seemed to me that he was trying to be as gracious as he could under the circumstances. Yet blog readers attacked what he had said with all sorts of negativity and venom, including saying that the Catholic archbishop has no ground to stand on regarding gay marriage when there are so many instances of pedophelia and rape amongst the Church leadership.

Of course, all the other Bishop-bashers seemed to love rallying around those comments and I did not care to incite them with contradictory remarks. But this is MY blog and I am able to delete trash before it is electronically published. So, although I generally try to stay out of politics (They drive me nuts), I have a few things to say:

1. The statement is ridiculous that the archbishop has no grounds to talk about gay marriage because other Catholic leadership has a sociopathic disorder involving pedophilia and / or rape. That is like saying that if my crazy brother living in a nearby town kills somebody's pet rabbit, then I should have nothing to say when that person comes to my town and runs over my cat. Umm. Yes, I do so have something to say! (In particular, "Where is my shotgun?")

2. What is the benefit of being "married" if all it gives people is the ability to get ripped off on their taxes and / or get divorced? It's not like two same-sex individuals are able to make a child together.

3. Here is the archbishop's grounds: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. If you don't know it, look it up and read it. Heaven's opinion really can't be much clearer than that -- and nobody in heaven is a pedophilic rapist.

4. This is right along the same anti-Christian lines as the nationwide legalization of no-fault divorce / adultery. Read Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:2-12 and Luke 16:18

((Shock!)) A Christian author whose opinion agrees with the Bible. ((Gasp.))

This whole thing really just makes me sick. Our great nation, one of the greatest in all of history, was founded on a list of ideals set forth by some brilliant and godly men. They wrote down their ideals and some rules for their decendants to follow so that we could have an utopic place to freely live. We were able to follow those rules and prosper for a good, long time. But now everything is going down the tubes as Biblical morality is defiled and good people are afraid to stand up for what is morally right because punitive bureaucratic measures are imposed upon those who are not "politically correct."

It's too bad there is no more undiscovered country on this planet because I need to find a new place to live. Perhaps I could escape to an igloo in antarctica? Or should I continue my search for an undiscovered tropical isle?

Wait. Hold up on that search. I think I have some negative comments to reject now. . . .

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