Friday, February 8, 2013

New discovery-eureka!

Call me silly if you like, but I feel like I belong in an episode of Star Trek.

As most of my regular readers know, I enjoy writing.  Words to me are like clay is to a sculptor.  They are my medium of expressing thoughts and feelings to the world. With the written word, I can touch the hearts of people around the world.  So far, I have shared my words through this blog, Facebook, and four books.  Pretty soon, I also intend to be giving speeches.  But I have so many more things to say and there are so many people who could benefit from those words. 

One would think, now that the only other person in my house is my dog, I would have plenty of time to write but that is not the way it works.  Now that Snickers and I live away from the noise of family and friends buzzing about us, I am his sole source of the social interaction and he wants to sit in my lap all day long.  It is very difficult to type with a dog in my lap.  Needless to say, that has put more than a little bit of a damper on my grand plan to while away my days with my dreams flowing through my fingertips into my computer.

Several months ago, a friend told me that he has some software that will allow him to speak and have his words magically typed into a document.  Yesterday, I went looking for a free version of such an enchanted device.  I discovered that I already have a speech to text program loaded on my computer because I use Windows 7.  Today, I am playing with it.  This entire post has been spoken rather than written.  I am in seventh heaven!

From now on, neither Snickers nor I has to make a sacrifice.  Now that I have discovered that I already have speech to text software installed on my hard drive, he can sit in my lap while I speak my stories into my word Processing Software.  :-)

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