As you, my readers know, I write. In fact, I write more than is normal for a typical human being -- so much so that I have written a handful of short books that have collected a small number of fans from three continents... No, wait... Four continents. Of course, I have had the darnedest time trying to win my way into a traditional publishing house, but that is beside the point. The point is that I write -- and well. (Well enough that another author actually invited me to proofread his first book and then trusted my judgment enough to incorporate ALL of my content-oriented suggestions into it -- a trust that was rewarded by an increase of TWO FULL STARS on his Reader's Favorite review rating!)
In the past, for the handful of works I have written, I have always used my own photos in combinationn with a cover generator to make my book/ebook covers. But, I have no pictures that will work for my newest title and I have been racking my brain with how to design the cover around that. A few days ago, I found an artist online who does absolutely beautiful covers for very affordable prices. No, I will not tell you how much she charged me. But her name is Emily Lam and just LOOK at the GORGEOUS cover she turned out in 3 DAYS for my in-progress book!
I think I must have started GLOWING as soon as I saw what a superb job she did. Despite that I already have several writings in my name, two of which are award-winners, this very first professional cover for one of MY stories makes me feel just that: Professional. A real cover design for my as-yet unfinished book! I was so excited to receive it that I printed it right away and ran out to start showing people around town who know me. My first stop: the bank, where a couple of the tellers are familiar enough with me to know my name when I walk through the door.
My pleasure and excitement so overflowed there that it started spilling over onto both sides of the teller window. The less familiar teller who was helping me was just in the process of guessing what my book is [going to be] about by its cover when a more familiar teller came over to see what the fuss was about.
She took one look at my book cover printout, still in the hands of her colleague and exclaimed, "Is this your cover??? I didn't know you are an author!"
Yeah, well, she's not the only one. I just found out, myself. It's a new discovery for us both.

I think I must have started GLOWING as soon as I saw what a superb job she did. Despite that I already have several writings in my name, two of which are award-winners, this very first professional cover for one of MY stories makes me feel just that: Professional. A real cover design for my as-yet unfinished book! I was so excited to receive it that I printed it right away and ran out to start showing people around town who know me. My first stop: the bank, where a couple of the tellers are familiar enough with me to know my name when I walk through the door.
My pleasure and excitement so overflowed there that it started spilling over onto both sides of the teller window. The less familiar teller who was helping me was just in the process of guessing what my book is [going to be] about by its cover when a more familiar teller came over to see what the fuss was about.
She took one look at my book cover printout, still in the hands of her colleague and exclaimed, "Is this your cover??? I didn't know you are an author!"
Yeah, well, she's not the only one. I just found out, myself. It's a new discovery for us both.
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