Thursday, August 1, 2013

Free Download

Every now and again, maybe about once a month or so, I run a promotion on Amazon Kindle that allows readers to download a copy of one of my books for FREE.

Pretty much, there are two titles that go up for free during the year: 1. The Disposable Noble Wife, my 2011 Reader's Favorite Silver award-winner in Christian Romance and 2. The Bleeding Love, an amusement I wrote online with the help of my readers (rated 4 stars by Reader's Favorite reviews). I also have one short story that I run around Halloween, Halloween Fire.

To tell the truth, despite how successful I may appear for having written two award-winning books and one book online with the help of readers, plus having run a couple of incredibly awesome radio ads for both of my award-winners, these free Amazon downloads (for which I am paid nothing) are actually my greatest source of downloads. Nevertheless, you would not believe the KICK I get out of seeing my books disappear off the electronic book shelves on those days. Just knowing that my words touch so many lives is truly an amazing feeling.

Admittedly, it is pretty wounding when some of those readers leave me super-negative reviews of my work. But I ADORE when I so touch a person that s/he sends me a private email to share similar stories of betrayal, or seeks out my Facebook Fan page to join it, or leaves me one of the AWESOME reviews I have received through the years. A woman from Ireland once even took my book to read over and over again while she was in the hospital. She messaged me over Facebook that my voice kept her company while she was there and feeling all alone.

There are no words to describe how privileged I feel to be part of so many people's lives. Whether they buy my books outright, download free on promotion days, or borrow from their local libraries, it is truly an honor.

My greatest honor of all, though, is when I see a copy of The Disposable Noble Wife go and within a day or two I see a copy of Navigating Marital Abandonment sell. To me, that means I have not only touched someone's heart. I have helped a wounded soul to heal.

My daughter and I have a little argument between the two of us about whether or not I am "famous." She says I am not. I tease that she is most assuredly wrong, as being an award-winning author is certain connotation of fame. Of course, I have relatively no readership and even fewer sales. So I really am just teasing. But I also know that "fame" does not really matter. What matters is the one life and the one heart to which my words and my story have made an impact. To that one reader, how ever many "one readers" there will someday be, my story is unforgettable... and that feels incredible.

The Disposable Noble Wife
Tomorrow, Friday August 2, 2013, my silver award-winner will again be available for free download. (Note: It is only free when the Amazon price says it is free.) Please download your copy and allow my words to touch your heart. Here is the link:

There is a free Kindle app that can be downloaded for PC if you don't have an e-reader.

The Bleeding Love
Then on Sunday, The Bleeding Love is having a free download day. (Again, it is only free when the Amazon price says it is free.) This is the link. Please download and enjoy it. 

If you miss these free download days, there are sure to be others, so keep your eyes open for them and please tell your friends to do the same.

Thank you for helping me make an impact in people's lives around the world.

1 comment:

  1. 56 free downloads of The Disposable Noble Wife and 69 downloads of The Bleeding Love. Not bad for two days work! Thanks to those who participated in this month's free promotion. More free promotions coming every month.
