It has been a while since I posted, so I figure that a brief update is in order for my followers and faithful readers as I am about to head down to my parents' house for a few days before driving my daughter to her university for Fall studies to begin, and blogging will likely be difficult while I travel.
(Wow! That was a long sentence!)
Yes, I did say I would be driving my daughter to her university for Fall studies. Last Spring, we anticipated that she would be studying in England this Fall, but the requirement was that she needed to find a summer job to pay her airfare for the trip. She did not find a job, I am still looking for a job, my books sell an average of 1/2 a copy per month, her student loans will not cover the flight for a study abroad and her dad (to whom she does not speak but I had no problem emailing) messaged from his I-phone that his funds are too stretched for him to help her, so she is not going. Needless to say, she is very disappointed. In addition to the missed chance to study and travel Europe with her friends, she is especially disappointed that she will not get to attend and work at the convention for the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. What a missed opportunity!
As for me, I continue working on renovations to the house while the weather is still warm enough for me to keep my windows open. Just the other day, I finally stained my bare-wood kitchen cabinets. (That was a smelly job.) Painting will probably wait till I get back home in a couple of weeks.
Also, I have a pending small claims suit that I have filed against someone who was obviously not as good a friend as I thought. I refer to it here: , but I cannot really say much until it is resolved. However, I can tell you that I was VERY EXCITED last week to receive an express letter from the Judge Matthis Show inviting me to be one of their plaintiffs!! Oh, I was so excited to maybe be on television. I called the show right away and left a voicemail to say YES. (Just think of the advertising potential for my books!) Then I got on Facebook to tell my fans... and I saw that the "defendant" had private messaged me some defamatory comments indicating she would not go on the show with me. I did not respond or repost them. I just let it go.
A few hours after receiving and ignoring the private message, I went back to my Facebook fanpage to find a new thread of comments under a post I made about my homemade granola (which, by the way, was very yummy). The comments had NOTHING to do with granola! Apparently, the "defendant" had posted something offensive that incited instant ire from one of my fans. (Sigh. My chance at television celebrity blown.) Here is the thread if you are interested:
The original comment was removed before I saw the thread, but I later saw it in an email and it really was not nice. What WAS nice is that a fan saw it and took up for me. I greatly appreciate my fans defending my reputation (and publically posted my thank you the next day), especially when they don't even know the story behind an attack. That, in itself, makes me feel quite like a celebrity. It is even better than the few fans who message or email my estranged husband that he should stop his adultery and honor his wedding vows. (Poor guy. LOL I sure do love my fans!)
The next day, the representative who had contacted me about the show returned my call. She offered to contact the "defendant" to try to talk her into coming on the show, so I gave her the phone number I had. Then I got excited again. Yesterday, the rep called me back. She could not reach the other party involved. In fact, she said, the phone number I gave was not working. Ah, well. I guess I will just have to be on television some other time.
When I get home from my long trip to drive my daughter to school, I will be looking for a job. (Even authors need to pay bills and eat.) Hopefully, I will have a story or two about the trip to share with readers. I should definitely have some news on the small claims case. Meanwhile, I am smiling ear-to-ear that I almost got to be on National TV.
(Wow! That was a long sentence!)
Yes, I did say I would be driving my daughter to her university for Fall studies. Last Spring, we anticipated that she would be studying in England this Fall, but the requirement was that she needed to find a summer job to pay her airfare for the trip. She did not find a job, I am still looking for a job, my books sell an average of 1/2 a copy per month, her student loans will not cover the flight for a study abroad and her dad (to whom she does not speak but I had no problem emailing) messaged from his I-phone that his funds are too stretched for him to help her, so she is not going. Needless to say, she is very disappointed. In addition to the missed chance to study and travel Europe with her friends, she is especially disappointed that she will not get to attend and work at the convention for the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. What a missed opportunity!
As for me, I continue working on renovations to the house while the weather is still warm enough for me to keep my windows open. Just the other day, I finally stained my bare-wood kitchen cabinets. (That was a smelly job.) Painting will probably wait till I get back home in a couple of weeks.
A few hours after receiving and ignoring the private message, I went back to my Facebook fanpage to find a new thread of comments under a post I made about my homemade granola (which, by the way, was very yummy). The comments had NOTHING to do with granola! Apparently, the "defendant" had posted something offensive that incited instant ire from one of my fans. (Sigh. My chance at television celebrity blown.) Here is the thread if you are interested:
The original comment was removed before I saw the thread, but I later saw it in an email and it really was not nice. What WAS nice is that a fan saw it and took up for me. I greatly appreciate my fans defending my reputation (and publically posted my thank you the next day), especially when they don't even know the story behind an attack. That, in itself, makes me feel quite like a celebrity. It is even better than the few fans who message or email my estranged husband that he should stop his adultery and honor his wedding vows. (Poor guy. LOL I sure do love my fans!)
The next day, the representative who had contacted me about the show returned my call. She offered to contact the "defendant" to try to talk her into coming on the show, so I gave her the phone number I had. Then I got excited again. Yesterday, the rep called me back. She could not reach the other party involved. In fact, she said, the phone number I gave was not working. Ah, well. I guess I will just have to be on television some other time.
When I get home from my long trip to drive my daughter to school, I will be looking for a job. (Even authors need to pay bills and eat.) Hopefully, I will have a story or two about the trip to share with readers. I should definitely have some news on the small claims case. Meanwhile, I am smiling ear-to-ear that I almost got to be on National TV.
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