Friday, October 21, 2011

My Imaginary Friend Appears Again

My old college friend (young! I meant young), Holly Hartz, recently donated her old dining room table to the cause of helping me furnish the house I am renovating (see yesterday's post, <CLICK HERE> Progress on My Project House) but I have been having quite a bit of trouble finding a way to get the table from her house to my brother's basement, where it will wait for the eventual moving truck to my house.

This is the month that my sister is renting a truck to move her things out of her apartment in preparation for her wedding. I thought I might use her moving truck to transport my table at the same time, talked to my mom about it for approval, and set things up with Holly. Without going into too much detail, let's just say that it was a bad plan and did not work the way we wanted. This left me in kind of the same bind I was in before: How to get the table from Holly's and to my brother's?

Enter my brother's mother-in-law, Kathy, with her SUV and my mom with my sister's SUV. Yesterday, we caravaned over to Holly's place to pick up the table and four chairs. Standing outside, chatting, I mentioned to Kathy that Holly is a <CLICK HERE> Christian Recording Artist. Holly dutifully nodded confirmation that my brag is true.

Kathy's eyes grew wide as she reached forward to touch Holly's arm, "Oh! Is this your <CLICK HERE> invisible friend??"

I burst into laughter, knowing that Kathy was referring to my blog post/story of my personal prodigal. (It's nice to know that somebody is reading.) Holly knew it, too. A huge smile spread over her face as she nodded, "Yes, and this," she motioned around the area with her hands, "is not really happening."

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